
The Challenge

The insurance industry has seen a growth in digital transformation and innovation during the past 5 years. COVID-19 is accelerating the digitalisation.

Insurers partner with startups to move faster and use their tech expertise and agile implementation. Now that insurers are putting the customers at the centre of their business, they’ve got a lot on their plate.

This ambitious goal needs a true partnership between startups and insurers. But how David and Goliath can partner together?

The Solution

Kojo is born to support you find the right startups to build your partnership with, implement the right business model and streamline the process at each stage.

It is challenging getting these two worlds together, that speak a different language and move at a different pace. Often, startups are presenting to you great innovations without the understanding of your business, so it needs a lot of extra work to make the value proposition relevant.

Kojo is here to connect the dots and make your willingness to innovate a smooth success.


Customised support by Kojo

  • Scouting startups as a service

  • Mapping of existing solutions

  • Optimise your current solutions

  • Building an integrated ecosystem

  • Streamline your internal processes

  • Accelerate your digitalisation

  • And more….


Let’s speak

Kojo would be happy to provide you more details on how to best support you. Please get in touch so we can organise some time to discuss and assess your current business development strategy.